Monday, January 14, 2008

The Sarah Connor Chronicles

So, I'm curious who watched the first half of "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" on FOX last night, what you thought of it, and if you're going to watch the second half at nine tonight.

Basically, the show takes place after part 2, as if part 3 never happened. (I guess they can get away with that by all the time-travelling.)

For those who don't remember part 2, Sarah Connor is wanted for the murder of a Cybernetics inventor, which keeps her and her son on the run. Add to that that for some reason the Terminators are trying to kill her son again, and hilarity ensues.

Of course, they send back a good Terminator to help, in the form of the luscious Summer Glau, better known as River Tam from Firefly. I now wonder if the guy in my Fantasy Football league was prescient when he named his team "River Tam Beats Up Everyone."

Anyway, my dad and I watched last night and were sufficiently entertained to tune in tonight. My guess is that even if you missed last night, the recap will get you up to speed, should you desire.

So, those who watched: WHADDJYA THINK?

1 comment:

Avitable said...

I thought it was pretty good. I didn't even recognize Sarah Connor as the queen from 300, either.

It was definitely a stronger premiere than Bionic Woman.