Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Monkey Barn Mythos Project (Part II)

We continue on with the Monkey Barn Mythos project, looking deep into the past to see just where this crazy place came from.

In Part I Sea Hag told of her life before Monkey Barn and how she came to join. Now in Part II Dragon takes up several years after Sea Hag left off, on a remote island in the murky deep.....


The sun was setting, the sky ablaze in orange and yellow as I watched a small boat approach the shore. The two men rowing grunted loudly with each turn of their oars. The waters had turned rough quickly and it was making my clan nervous.

Any sort of change made my clan nervous.

There were two others in the boat, one a massive man with a long beard and dressed completely in purple. He held onto his hat with one hand and steadied himself with the other. I found it curious that it was more important to him not to lose his hat than risk falling into the water. The thought made me smile.

He was definitely not an ordinary man.

His companion was equally intriguing. She was dressed in black with a red scarf across her forehead holding back her long dark hair. She reminded me of a…of a pirate.

We Gypsies are used to dealing with pirates.

We Gypsies don’t like pirates.

She held onto the boat with both hands while she barked orders at the rowers, clearly annoyed with their progress. Stunning and menacing at the same time, she was definitely a pirate.

I turned back to look at the giant man. He was staring at me, smiling. His eyes seemed to burn right through me and I couldn’t look away.

“What do you think they want?” My father asked, shaking me out of my spell.

“I don’t know, Papa. But we will welcome them like we welcome all strangers. Isn’t that what you taught me?” I smiled to take the sting of my words away, and we made our way to the beach to join the rest our clan by the fire.

The music was already playing and the men of our clan sang songs to the Children of Adventure from long ago. Wine and food flowed around us and everyone enjoyed the warmth of the fire’s glow. It is moments like these that make me thankful to be Gypsy. Life was not easy and our days are a struggle, but come the night, we rejoice in what we have: each other.

“Did you see the strangers?” Celia asked me as I approached the fire. “I bet it’s another challenger for you.”

Celia wrapped her arm around me. “Goodness, you’re shivering. Come sit by me near the fire. I’ll get you some broth.”

“Yes, I am a little cold.” I said, thankful for the excuse. “We should prepare to welcome the strangers. They must certainly be cold and hungry.”

“You must be more cautious, daughter.” My father warned. “I have a bad feeling.”

“They are coming to challenge your daughter to a game of Paseo Dos. Why else would they come here?” Celia said as she handed me a bowl of broth.

“Let them come, I will best them like I did the others.” I said, smiling at my father.

“Your pride will get you in trouble, daughter. You must….”

Papa didn’t finish his sentence because his attention became focused on the group of strangers approaching the fire. I turned to greet our guests. The tall one was an imposing figure. He was at least 7 feet tall with a sturdy body to match his height. He walked with a large walking stick but his movements were determined and strong. There was nothing weak about him. I had never seen eyes like his before. They were a cool blue-grey that it reminded me of the color of the sea during a storm. I felt heat on my cheeks and I told myself it must be from the fire.

A woman can convince herself of anything if she really wants to.

His companion the woman pirate walked two steps behind him, surveying the surroundings. The servants walked four steps behind her with their hands on their swords, ready for anything.

The stranger walked right up to me and took off his hat, revealing a shaved head. “My name is Hyperion. This is my companion, Sea Hag. She is the captain of my vessel.” He pointed to the ship out in the water.

“I have come a long way to meet you, dear lady.” He said, bowing his large head. “I wish to play a game of Paseo Dos with you.”

“I will only play if you have something of value to wager, sir.” I said, daring him. He smiled, clearly amused with me.

“I will wager enough money to sustain your clan for an entire year.” He said as he removed the rings from his fingers and held them out to me in his massive hand. They were beautiful jeweled rings, certain to bring us enough money to sustain us for many years.

“You are very generous, sir.” I said, trying to appear unmoved. “I can not offer as much but I will wager my most prized possession: my jade dragon.”

I removed the dragon from my bag and placed it front of me. “I won the dragon from a prince who had also traveled a long way to try and best me at the game of Paseo Dos.” I paused dramatically. “The Prince lost so easily that I should have asked him to wager his crown.” The crowd roared, even the pirate woman.

“I will accept the wager but I want more.” His eyes narrowed and seemed to see right through me. I was blushing but I remained composed and my eyes locked with his.

“I have nothing more to offer you.” I said, not taking my eyes off him.

“But you do, little one. I want you. I want you to come with me and be part of my Council.” He said, ignoring the gasps around him.

“No, daughter, don’t make this wager.” My father pleaded, pulling me aside.

“Father, I am the best player of this game. I can beat him. Think of what it will mean for us. We will not have to worry about money for a long time. I must do this.”

My father knew better than to argue with me when I was set in my way.

“I accept your wager, sir. Shall we begin?” I said, motioning him to sit down by the fire.

We had played several rounds, each of us taking turns winning. Hyperion knew how to play the game better than anyone else I had encountered. I loved the challenge and I played my best. In the final round, I knew I had won. It would be impossible for me to lose. I looked at my father, his pride in me showing on his face. I turned to my opponent and smiled.

“Well, can you beat this?” I asked as I showed him my cards. The crowd applauded, certain that I was the victor.

“You are very good at this game, little one. This is why I’ve come to here to find you,” He said, his eyes never leaving mine. A sly smile curled his lips. “But, there is something you should know about me.”

“Yes, what is that?” I said, sure of myself.

“I invented Paseo Dos.” My eyes widened as he laughed and slowly showed me his hand.
He had won. I heard gasps all around me. I heard my father’s cries. I heard Sea Hag laughing at Hyperion’s side.

“You will not take my daughter! Take the jade dragon and leave us alone!” My father cried, his voice shattering me out of my haze.

“Papa, I chose this fate for myself. I will not break my word.” I said as I held my father’s hands. “Papa, I will be alright. You have taught me well. I will be safe.”

“Don’t worry old man. I will take great care with her.” Hyperion said as he looked into my father’s eyes, trying to assuage the old man’s fears. I appreciated his kindness towards my father.

As Hyperion’s guards rowed us back to Sea Hag’s ship, I took a final look back towards my home. My father stood on the shore; crying. Would I ever be back? I turned to my captor, his hand holding onto his hat. His eyes were studying me.

“Don’t you want to know my name?” I asked

“It doesn’t matter to me. From now I will call you Dragon. You are mine and I expect your allegiance.” He said.

Sea Hag laughed out loud as she reached her hand to stroke my cheek. “Dragon. I like it. Will you breathe fire for us, little one? I’m feeling a bit chilly,” she said as she snuggled up against Hyperion. They were both laughing now. I ignored them and turned to look back at my home. I could still see my father on the shore waving to me. I waved back.

I wandered the ship freely. Where was I going to escape? My only escape would have been death in the frigid water and I was much too curious about my future to even contemplate such a dire fate. I had always believed in fate. Fate is a prankster. You never know what sort of trick he’ll pull on you.

I saw Sea Hag at the helm of the ship, staring into the night and dark waters. Above her was a banner I had never seen before. She still had that faint smile of someone who’s in on the joke. I climbed up to join her.

“What is the Hyperion Nation?” I asked.

“We are and now you are part if it as well,” she said, smiling broadly.

“What if I refuse to be a part of this…this Hyperion Nation?” I asked willfully. She said nothing but slowly motioned her hand across her neck. I got the point. I stood there with her for some time, staring out into the waters.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“We are searching,” she said, without turning her gaze from the water.

“Searching for what?”

“Others.”, she said as she turned to face me again. “Hello Carny. Are you here to take Dragon to Hyperion?”

I turned around to find a man dressed in a long dark cloak. I couldn’t quite make out his features but his presence commanded respect. He motioned me to follow him. I hesitated.

“You better do as you’re told, Dragon. Don't get yourself killed for the sake of pride.” Sea Hag said, remembering Hyperion’s words to her. “Don’t worry, honey, it will be worth it.”

I turned and followed Carny down the stairs to Hyperion’s cabin. I wasn’t scared, No, I was excited. I couldn’t wait to see what fate had in store for me now.

“Hey, Dragon” Sea Hag called out. I turned back to face her.

“Welcome to the Monkey Barn.”


Sea Hag said...

DUDE...why didn't I think to put Carny in my story too? Loved it, loved it, loved it. The Paseo Dos thing was great.

Sparky Duck said...

Its like the second Pirates of he Carribean move, except way better and with no digusting special effects. Now only if I knew who Carny and Paseo Dos was.

Tobias the River Midget said...
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Tobias the River Midget said...

Dude, this Sparky Duck is either brand new or an idiot (and I'm not counting out the possibility of both). Paseo Dos is a card game Hyperion loves. Carny is short for Carnivus. He's a troll, and who the Institute is named after. (His real name is Carnivus Kickassius). If you go to Literary Hype you will find all of his stories.

Jeez, even I knew that, and I'm just a river midget.....

Sparky Duck said...

sweet! Im an idiot too!