Patrick Agin has begun learning the art of making chainmail A 17-year-old US student who enjoys re-enacting medieval battles has been banned from wielding his favourite sword in his graduation yearbook. Portsmouth High School in the US state of Rhode Island has asked Patrick Agin to submit a new photo after he first posed in full chainmail and armour.
The school rejected the photo, saying it contravened a strict zero-tolerance policy on weapons.
In response, the Agin family is suing the school for restricting free speech.
That cool to know
koz - you stole my line.
I have to go with the school on this one. They do have a rule about weapons. And if dude's interested in making chain mail, then he can geek himself to death by wearing it....and wait for the inevitable mocking to commence.
I posed with my guitar. There's one proof in existence, and it's safely tucked away for whenever I need a good mocking ("See? He used to have hair.")
But, not for the yearbook. Tiff got it, the mockers, they are a nasty bunch.
Spiffy - "used to have hair" - now you're just turning me on - ladies, i call dibs on this one
oh domie - you can't have him. He's mine.
Should have said that earlier. Now come on Biff, it's time for your bath....
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