[Hyperion here. I am comandeering Dragon's post and reposting it. She did a great job, and I don't think the question has been answered right. Besides not believing a one of you, I want to know why you think that. Just saying one or the other is boring. If you really wouldn't want to know (and again, I call every one of you who said that liars....), why? If you'd want to know, why that too? This is a world-class question, folks: we can do better. - H]Another thought provoking question from Me!
Would you rather......
know when/where/how you are going to die
let it be a complete surprise

complete surprise
complete surprise. definitely.
that's 3 for CS. I already know I'm gonna die, so I best be doing the things I want done while I'm healthy and sucking wind.
Surprise me!
holy crap surprise
my answer comes from experience - having already suffered a stroke - let me tell you - i know for a fact, i'd rather have it be a complete surprise!
I'd like to go with when and where as long as I could pick the how.
After rereading Hypes intro I'd like to eplain more. I have no particular fear of death. I'd love to live forever in eternal youth but tis not possible. Knowing the time and place would really give opportunity to a get affairs in order and be think of all the cool stuff you could do with zero risk of death "live life to the fullest moderation is for monks".
complete surprise, because dreadin it and knowin it was a-comin would be hell. If I found out I had 30 days to live, and those last 30 days I'd be deterioratin and hurting, I'd do what I could in 10, say my peace, ride the big'un, smoke my pipe, and off myself.
Surprise is essential to the human experience. We would be [more] cold, calculating, engineering-for-maximum-benefit bastards with that sort of knowledge. If people knew exactly when they would have children, or get sick, or come into a large sum of money, would that change behavior?
I submit it would.
Knowledge doesn't require the exercise of faith, and eliminates the need for hope.
I hate to be the defeatist of the bunch here, but it really doesn't matter if you know or not. Because death is going to happen anyway. The only thing that knowing is going to do is cause anxiety and grief to you and make the whole experience rotten. I think that wanting to know details arises from a fear of dying. Nowadays we expect that if you know then you can control. Which, in this particular case, is not true. You only die once. Why not let it be a surprise?
Biff Biff he's our man if he can't answer it no one can!!!
I have seen my death many times and each time it just hurts much more then the time before. I want my death to be a suprize. but the true is I know it won't
Hyp - deal with the answer you are given.
If you believe in self fulfilling prophesies, not knowing is the only logical answer.
Or better yet, if you believe in free will and not destiny, knowing would not matter.
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