Tuesday, September 06, 2005

TV update

So far I've cut out re-runs and for the moment am sticking just to things I haven't seen.

I am going to try some new programs, in the hopes a couple might be good. So far one of the few I've tried is PRISON BREAK (the second episode ran last night). The show is about a man who comits a crime to get INTO prison, with the intent of breaking his brother out, who's on Death Row. So far it's far-fetched but entertaining. There are a lot of plot threads up in the air, and I don't know if they producers will be able to continue the suspense, but they've earned a shot at it in my book. Until 24 comes back PRISON BREAK will do the trick.

Tonight I try the premiere (up here, at least) of OVER THERE, a controversial show about the war in Iraq. I'll let you know tomorrow how it was.

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