Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cork Floors

Cork flooring is made from the bark of the tree and is actually a bi-product of the manufacturing of the wine cork. It is soft, resilient, resistant to moisture, a good insulator (heat and sound), comes in various colors and can be (easily) laid in different patterns. It is very durable too. I was surprised to find in my research of this amazing flooring, that it has been in places for over a century. There is a church near Chicago that has had it since 1898.

It's prettier than you thought, isn't it? Check out more at http://www.corkfloor.com/index.html

1 comment:

Sea Hag said...

I'd never heard of the cork floor thing either until a few weeks ago when I saw it on a kitchen remodeling show.

Natural cork is neat because to harvest it you just peel the bark off the cork tree, you don't have to cut it down, so you can harvest a tree for years and years, just like you can shear a sheep over and over again.