Monday, November 19, 2007

Daily Lynx

Found a site over the weekend I think you would enjoy.

In fact, you'll enjoy it so much, that I FORBID you to go there until you've read everything current on the Institute bevy of sites.

The site is called "The Sneeze," and the part that cracked me up is called Steve, Don't Eat it!

Various things Steve eats in these installments:

Potted Meats
Picked Pork Rinds
Beggin' Strips
1991 Urkel-Os
Breast Milk
(on this one I'm jealous, as you all know I was not breast fed, and have had a craving for this as long as I can remember.)
Prison Wine
Silkworm Pupas
Tree Brain

I am including a picture of one of the things he ate, which is actually a delicacy in fine restaurants (cuitlacoche):

Each article is hilarious, with his vulgar commentary and "can-do" spirit, you'll be rolling in the aisles.

And it brings up a good point: what's the grossest thing YOU'VE ever eaten?

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