Friday, December 21, 2007

Daily Lynx - SVU style

Today's Lynx are stories in the news that astonish/anger me.

People, I am not making these up;

Woman Arrested for Groping Santa (Do you go with a "Ho Ho Ho" joke here or something more on "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" ? Discuss amongst yourselves.)

Michigan Senior Citizen calls 911 on his wife, after she refuses to turn up thermostat (What the hell is going on in Michigan these days? They're becoming Ohio!)

People, as you may or may not know, in February of 2009 cable will all be digital. This isn't as bad as it sounds: IF YOU HAVE CABLE OR SATELLITE, you'll be fine. People who don't want that will have to buy a Digital converter to keep watching TV. So far so good: digital picture is much better. But here's the kicker: There is a government program for $80 in coupons to help you buy those converters. (You MUST take the quiz on the website. If people are that dumb, what are the odds they can turn on a computer?) Let me get this straight: we're now going to subsidize people to watch TV? Will Liberals stop at nothing?

This just pisses me off, but do you remember the old DA on Law & Order SVU, that really sexy blond with the glasses? Her character's name was Alex Cabot, easily one of the hottest women in glasses of all time. Her real name is Stephanie March, and I think she's awesome. Well, guess who Stephanie March is married to? I hate that prick, and I just want to throw up in my mouth all day.

But, I can't leave you on that horrible a note. It turns out the other extremely sexy woman on Law & Order SVU, Mariska Hargitay, has a happier family connection. Her father was a Mr. Universe and her mother was one of the sexiest women of the 20th Century. No wonder she keeps getting better and better: it's in the genes!


1 comment:

Sea Hag said...

She's married to Bobby Flay, but honestly, in real life, she's as charming as a cardboard box.