Friday, December 15, 2006

True story of the day...

A coworker's 8 yr old son asked her if Santa was real. She said no and explained the reality of it but, his little voice wavered and happily she said I’m just kidding to him. He said “I knew he was real.” And he was very happy.

Well another coworker went on to say that Santa isn't real and that he should be allowed to know the real world now because it is a sick harsh world. She said what if a dirty old man dressed as Santa put him "there"

Uh…here is what I’m thinking: 1) why would you have your kid by strangers like that w/out you or another adult? And 2) I grew up in the 80s and was raised that you tell kids about strangers and the dangers, even Santa.

She went on to say how Santa doesn't exist and was made up (WRONG - based on a real man - the Catholic Church sainted him -
Not only did she deny Santa Clause but also said that Christmas was all about money and gifts and a made up holiday because it wasn't even Christ’s real birthday.

Okay…1) do we know what the “exact” date is? And 2) yes I do remember hearing that it was thought Christ’s real birth date was in the spring (March). However how do we fit the life of Christ into a year if his death and birth fall with in the same month’s time? Also, didn’t Catholics make up their calendar year to coincide with the Pagan on and make conversion easier?

I said she was entitled to live in her jaded work and me in mine. She said it wasn't that, that she was entitled to her opinion. Obviously not a brain trust here and metaphors are merely lost on her. So, I said yes that is what I’m saying, you’re entitled to your jaded opinion and me to mine, even as delusional as it might seem to you.

Now as for the coworker who’s child it was, I emailed her the sites on “who is St. Nicholas” and “The Origin of Santa Claus” She was happy to receive them and to have more information to tell her son later who had only asked her this question in the car this morning. I was also relieved that she agreed with me – let them believe as long as you can.

I ask you Barners:
* Do we need to celebrate such beauty and splendor on the exact date?
* Isn’t it enough that people can still believe and be nice to each other?
* Aren’t each of us a Santa every time we do something nice this season, like giving to ‘Toys for Tots’? Or even holding a door open for some one whose arms are full of packages?


tiff said...

We should NOT only celebrate joy and giving once a year. We should NOT disabuse children of their magic too early. We should NOT restrict our charity to those within our families - that indeed if there is charity to be given it should be to those we don't know and who need it most.

So, I agree with you.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I agree with you Domie, and with Tiff. Every day should celebrate joy and generosity! :D

Tracy Lynn said...

I'm with you guys. I LOVE Santa. And not in that pervert way.

Chelle said...

I agree. Celebrating Christmas and Santa Claus is a joyous time. I don't think children aught to be deprived of it. I also think that giving children a time of magic helps them remember the world can be a good place. :D