Friday, October 27, 2006

Nighty Nightmare Part 5

Nighty Nightmare Part 5-The Initation

"More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones" T. Capote

Is terror an unwelcome visitor standing at your bedroom door, or is it the preceding shadow? Seraph knew that something horrible and transformative was about to happen to her, and she was powerless to stop it. Seraph had never known terror before, and it was all held within the confines of her mind. Her screams, her anxiety were company to nobody else but Seraph. She perused her choices: spend eternity with that abhorrent creature and eventually turn into one of them, or melt in the sun. “Some choices are better left unmade”, she thought with a hint of sarcasm.

The details of the Initiation were unknown to Seraph, but her instincts were to travel East-toward the rising sun. She, somehow, knew that there would be another choice-just as horrible as the one now facing her-and that would be her Initiation.

In her hypersensitivity, she could feel the creature’s presence. It was a good reminder of all the elders’ tales that the Becoming can twist a good person into a hideous creature. If she were to be stuck here, what would she transform into? The answer scared her, but she also felt pangs of love, and loneliness, and desire. Seraph was used to dispensing justice, not receiving it. Surely, her victims rejoiced in watching her contemplate whether it is better to be damned forever for doing the wrong thing or die doing the right thing. She prayed for resolution.

She was drawn to the largest peak, and she could see a small mound on an outcropping. As she got closer, she could make out a streak of black, and two blue orbs. Her hunger grew, and she remembered that it must have been days since she last eaten.

It was a human, a lesser being that she had only heard about in the elders’ tales. Their small stature belied the ferocity in which they bred prahls and destroyed the ancient trees. “They look so dainty, it’s a wonder that no other creature has preyed upon them.” She was amazed at the swiftness of her breath, the ease of her movements, the singular drive to eat his flesh. The sentry’s rifle did not concern her much as the sliver of light in the horizon. This must be the Initation.

Without thinking, Seraph sank her teeth into his neck and welcomed the rush of warm blood into her mouth. Taking a breath, she found her voice and screamed as she could now feel her fingers elongate, her body strengthen, her teeth grow. She was one of them now, but she felt uneasy. Her warrior instincts returned, and she knew that she would quickly become the most powerful being because of her cunning and strength. But at what price?

The creature stepped forward and openly laughed at Seraph. “My revenge on you is complete, and you did exactly as I knew you would. Come with me quickly, before the sun rises, and we shall plan our reign over this world. We will be stronger than the prahls, smarter than the humans and infinite as the gods.” At those words, Seraph’s prayer was answered and she found the resolution she had sought. Knowing her skills, she said “My darling, we are but a fools’ pawn in this game. But I have you, my love.” Her words calmed him and he came to her willingly. But Seraph had other plans.

She longed for Nia, and a time when their hearts weren’t tainted by greed or bloodlust or revenge. A simpler time; one where there was just the two of them. She murmured to the creature, “Together at last, together forever, be not damned but find your salvation within.” And she began to cry softly as she embraced him. The fourteen words strengthened her resolve. Against his struggles, Seraph held the creature tightly as the first ray of sunshine pierced their heart and burned their flesh to cinders.


tiff said...

Manohman, LJS, you ROCKED this story. Well done.

Tracy Lynn said...

LJS, you are AWESOME!

Chelle said...

What a perfect ending. Completely love it.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

I'd like the thank the Academy. ;)

Can't wait to see how Joel turns out!