Monday, October 16, 2006

What Sea Hag remembers about last night

It's possible that I might have had one or two gallon-sized glasses of beer last night, but I clearly recall that this happened. Oh the humanity! Why isn't CNN or Fox News reporting on this today?

Sea Hag


lost goddess said...

You are SO crazy woman!!! Love this post .... I know exactly how that goes!!!

tiff said...

Ah, the NYC thing's been done. We've got the possibility of total nuclear destruction going great guns on page 1. Maybe it's below the fold on page 3. Keep looking, I'm sure it's there someplace.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Try some greasy eggs and sausage to calm your dogged out tummy. Sure beats dog chow.
Maybe you destroyed Fox News in your rage? If so, then you have my eternal devotion.