Monday, June 18, 2007


I accidentally clicked on a link this weekend and came upon all these hilarious t-shirts at I'm not exhorting you to buy any (no: save your money to buy Hyperion Institute t-shirts and Monkey Barn T-shirts), but there were a few that just cracked me up:

This one is just wrong, but I couldn't stop laughing:

I used to collect totally obscure t-shirts, and this one could actually exist. I'd wear it.

Cheryl from Bread & Bread excluded

For Lost Goddess

For Dragon, who loves the old white guys

For Biff Spiffy, who loves him some Bill O' Rights

for Sea Hag, who knows a thing or two about sandwiches

For Lady Jane Scarlett

For Dominique, who needs a man with a firm hand

Duh: for Tracy Lynn

For 'Chelle, who's just a little too into Tom Brady

For Schrodinger's Kitten

For Koz, who right now is considering wearing this to church on Sunday


Anonymous said...

Hey how'd you know - that before I buy a tshirt I consider if can wear it to church or not? If I wouldn't wear it to church then I won't buy it.

Fortunately, I'm Southern Baptist so it's perfectly ok to wear my NRA tshirt to church.

Schrodinger's Kitten said...

You pegged me. Right on.

Hyperion said...

Koz - First of all, it should be tee-shirt or t-shirt. Writing "tshirt" makes it sound like "t'shirt." Secondly, I'm having serious doubts you'd have worn the shirt about George Bush killing Arabs. I'm also wondering if you'd wear this one. If you would I'd be willing to buy it for you.

And if you did wear your NRA shirt I would start a rumor that it was actually supporting FDR's National Recovery Act of 1933. Then you'd see where the love wasn't.

Schrodinger's Kitten - The only shirt more fitting would be one that read "Don't mac on my guyver."

Skittles said...

hey - can i start taking applications for a strong guy thru the barn?

where HAVE all the men gone???

Sea Hag said...

I like my sandwich full of meaty salami!