I'm sure you have heard by now that Lindsay Lohan did a photo shoot with all the same poses/costumes as the infamous one from Ms. Marilyn Monroe, about six weeks before the star died. (One hopes that's not an omen.)
The above photo is the only one I can safely post here, as many of the more female Monkeys turn into screaming banshees when even moderately beatiful pulchritude is posted. (I toyed with the idea of claiming it was pop culture and art, but clever reasoning, much like math skills, NEVER impresses girls.)
ANYWAY, feel free to read the article yourself, thinly disguised as New York Magazine's attempt at fashion. When you go to the site (perfectly work safe), you can click on the little "slideshow" button on the picture above, and see all of the pictures. These pictures are decidedly NOT WORK SAFE, so use discretion.
I'm actually shocked how much was revealed. Maybe I'm naive, but New York magazine, in the name of fashion goes much further than Maxim or FHM ever does. (At least in America.) Moreover, these pictures are ostensibly aimed at women!
So, let me ask you, ladies, (since I know you want to see Lindsay, if only to judge her), is this common in a high-fallutin' fashion spread?
As for Miss Lohan herself, she looks fine, if waaaaaaaaaay too skinny. I'm not trying to judge the woman, but if you're going to take off your clothes, you sort of invite that. Also: can one woman have 10,000 freckles? Who knew?
Personally, I found the pictures where the nudity was hiding more alluring than the full-on titty shots. Hiding through sheer diaphanous cloth to be sure, but hiding nonetheless. It's hard to believe she lost that much weight (she's no longer Skeletor, but still very skinny), and yet her breasts are back to whatever robust size that is. (I'm no expert. I can never tell a woman's breast size by looking at her. I can, however, tell her age if she sits on my lap.)
As for comparisons to Marilyn, please. True, the Blonde Bombshell was known more for her looks than her acting, but she actually was a great actor, or at least turned in several great perfoamances. (SOME LIKE IT HOT, SEVEN YEAR ITCH, BUS STOP just to name a few.) My understanding is that Lohan is very appealing in PARENT TRAP and MEAN GIRLS, and it's been all downhill since.
Still, at least the magazine article got us talking. About fashion. I think I'll run out and get me some of them cloth-y things. Never know when they may come in handy.
1 comment:
Ugh. Skank.
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