Thursday, October 13, 2005

Christian Pornography

I've checked out this Website and organization every way I can, and from all I can tell it's not a parody. (For one thing, it if were it'd be funnier.) So, with that in mind, check out this proposal that there should be Christian pornography. (They also deal with things like Christians and oral and anal sex.)

I bet some of you are already rolling your eyes or thinking this is smut, which may be proof what my buddy Quincy used to preach that the church doesn't talk nearly enough or openly enough about sex.

The proposal very reasonably points out that most people don't know a whole lot about sex (especially Chrsitan husbands and wives who are limited in experience when they get married, as its assumed is true). The writers go on to suggest how pornography might be done in a Christian manner.

It's actually pretty fascniating. (Should be safe for work; it's just text.)

See what you think about CHRISTIAN PORNOGRAPHY


Anonymous said...

If we ignore it, do you think it will just go away?????

Anonymous said...

If interpretations of the bible can be used to justify things like crusades, witch burnings, hate crimes, and slavery, I'd be willing to entertain the notion that it might have something to say about married folks enjoying each other's intimate company.

Jumping to the home VHS and DVD market might be a bit sudden, but a little more openess (and substantially less guilt and shame) from christian leadership on the subject wouldn't hurt my feelings any.