What Comic Book Monkey Are You?


(yes they do have a quizz for virtually everything.)
I was Gorilla Grodd
I'm Gorilla Grodd too! We should totally be BFF!
I'm also Gorilla Grodd. May I join your club?
Awesome, I have TWO BFF's!! :D
Dude, I was Jennifer! I don't think I'll evr live this down.
I am monkeywoman, Accidentally stranded in this dimension and I'm trying to get back home. You're super smart scientist anr i'am really more human genetically, but my pal O'Brien has called me monkeywoman from the start and it stuck. Poor me
29 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 580 times.
5% of people had this result.
I guess that makes me different. Go me!!!
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