Suddenly, Seraph became conscious of a disturbance close by. Thrusting away her reminisces, she tried to prepare herself for the attack she knew must come.
Unmanned and as good as defenseless, she nevertheless attempted to stand. As the last line of defense, she knew only too well how important it would be for her to hold them here for as long as she could. Every precious second counted, and if her blood could buy a couple more, she would gladly pay that price.
What she was not prepared for was the green wall of mist moving inexorably towards her.
Gods, what was it? It seemed to go on for an eternity; she couldn't see either end, nor could she see a top. She could see through it, vaguely, making out familiar shapes and such. But the familiarity itself made everything seen through the mist even more strange, and while it didn't seem to destroy anything in it's path, she could not see another of her kind. Who knew what might happen when it got to her?
If she had any physical strength left, she would run. But as it was , she stood and faced down the mist as it enveloped her, breathing it in as slowly as she could, as her heart slowed and her sense of herself fled into the mist.
Then the mist was gone, the night as clear as she remembered it from childhood, reeking of pine; and she was in a room she didn't recognize, full of things both bizarre and homely.
There was a window, and as she crossed the room and looked out of it, she saw that, as much like home as this place was, it was not really home, or at least, not her home as it was when she was there.
And in the moonlight, by an outbuilding, she saw movement and tensed for attack.
Oh boy, here we go! This tale has more twists than Chubby Checker! Way to go, TL.
Ok - I am on tender hooks. Can't wait to see what happens next. Nice job TL.
Thanks guys. Did I mention how much I hate writing fiction? And yet, there it is.
Yet you are so good at it. :)
Bless you,LJS!
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