Monday, August 08, 2005

Morgan Freeman

So, I'm watching DEEP IMPACT for a little bit last night, and a question enters my mind: could Morgan Freeman be president?

I don't mean could someone like the characters Morgan Freeman generally plays be president, but could Morgan Freeman be president? If he ran, could he win? Assuming he's somewhere in the normal range politically (either Republican or Democrat, both of whom, you might recall, have been president recently), and not some Communist (or Grit), could Morgan Freeman be president?

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about Bill Cosby - the character, not the person? Imagine all world affairs being solved over a puddin' pop?

Or George Carlin - the real person? Would he even need speech writers?

As far as Morgan goes -- my stance on him is the same as it is on most famous film people -- society as a whole is stupid (as well as into stars - a sick fascination with some) & can be talked into just about anything - look at Arnold & Cali?!?