Friday, August 12, 2005


A couple of nights ago I was at this restaurant called Pairie Smoke with Marcellus. I overheard the funniest thing I just had to share. Our server had a uniform on. In the place where a name might go was the word "piazza."

Now, for those of you who somehow don't know, a piazza is an open square, usually surrounded by roofed buildings, most often found in Italy. (Yes, it's also a New York Met.)

[For a picture of one of the most famous piazza's in the world, click here]

Anyway, here's the funny part: at the table next to us were these snobs, the kind of people who pretend they know stuff about wine when they really don't. They kept calling the server "Piazza."

At first I thought they were just being jerks, but I heard one mention it when she was gone, too, and it dawned on me they really thought that was her name!

Just had to share.

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