Monday, July 23, 2007

Haunted Monkey Barn - Chapter 6

[Continued from Friday's Chapter 5, we have Dominique's entry into the campfire series. What completely totally radically kickassingly awesome character might make an appearance? Let's watch and find out!]


Chapter 6

Harry approached them trio hastily and making all sort of noise and said “Finally, there you are. Luna where did you…”

Hermione shhhed him and turn to the door behind them. As Hermione worked her magic to open the door with the usual “Alohamora!” the others gestured for Harry to keep silent. The door had already popped open and Hermione was stepping into the next room as Harry stood there dumb founded, he had that Ron’s zipper was down. That boy still hasn’t figured how to dress himself, thought Harry as he was grabbed by the shirt front and pulled through the door by Ron and Luna after Hermione.

They were in a kitchen with a roaring fire and a table with two figures sitting at it. They had been speaking in hushed tones but, stopped at the site of Hermione, Ron, Harry and Luna. The one stood up and walked over to the group.

“What are you four doing in here?” questioned Hagrid.

“Oh, Hagrid! Lord Voldemonkey has returned!” said Hermione, sounding a bit relieved to see the games’ keeper, it was as though she hadn’t noticed the other figure in the room. Harry wondered how that was possible since he took up almost as room as Hagrid.

“Hagrid, who is that?” Harry questioned back.

“Oh, that?” Hagrid glanced back to the table. “That’s no one. Just the keeper of this barn.”

“Keeper of the barn? Funny, he bares a striking resemblance to you. What do you all belong to some kind of club,” asked Ron chuckling.

Up stood a dashingly handsome tall figure with wide shoulders, he sauntered over, bowed his head and put forth his hand, “It is nice to finally meet you, Mr. Potter, Miss. Granger, and I’m sorry I don’t recognize you, Miss...?

“Looney…uh Luna,” said Hermione quickly correcting herself and blushing.

“Allow me to introduce myself, I am Hagrid’s distant cousin, and the keeper of keys and grounds of the MonkeyBarn, Hyperion. Hagrid has said much about you.”

Join us tomorrow for Chapter 7!


Dragon said...

Nice touch, adding our beloved Hyperion to the mix!

lost goddess said...

Wow that end was so fitting for the barn!!! THAT'S AWESOME WOMAN!!!

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Wow, I never thought Hyperion and Hagrid were related!