Friday, February 09, 2007

Bachelor Party

Here's a party game I've played a buncha times, and it's always a hoot. Good for getting to know each other - and yourself.

Here's how it works: Answer each of the questions in the comments. Use as few or many words as you like, but don't make it too complicated.

When everyone has answered (within a cuppa days), I'll tell ya what it means. Sound like fun? Of course it does (and yes, I'll be playing along).

1. What's your favorite place to swim, and why?

2. You're dropped off in the middle of a forest. How do you feel?

3. You're in a white room with no windows, doors, or features. How do you feel?

Ready, and.... GO!


lost goddess said...

1. What's your favorite place to swim, and why? I love to go swiming any where but mostly in water. My favorite place would have to be Canton Lake. A lot of fun times there with good people!

2. You're dropped off in the middle of a forest. How do you feel? Great! I have been needed to reconnect with the earth more.

3. You're in a white room with no windows, doors, or features. How do you feel? At home.

Tracy Lynn said...

1) I don't swim, on account of sharks. I mean, I know how, I just choose not to.
2)I like my nature like I like my monkeys- on the side of the glass.

3)I feel like kicking someone.

rennratt said...

I don't swim.

Cold - I want to go inside.

Tired- I will take a nap.

tiff said...

1. What's your favorite place to swim, and why?

Any lake that I'm sure doesn't have monsters in it. Otherwise, a nice long pool.

2. You're dropped off in the middle of a forest. How do you feel?

Right at home, unless the forest is made up of man-eating plants or something.

3. You're in a white room with no windows, doors, or features. How do you feel?

Curious to find out where the secret control panel is, so that I CAN ESCAPE!

Biff Spiffy said...

1. Moose Falls, Yellowstone - warm, fun, powerful

2. Adventurous

3. Curious, peaceful

Pageant Mom said...

1. Warm laundry right out of the dryer dumped on the bed - particularly the whites - it makes me feel like hibernating for the winter (I had to be rescued from the ocean by a lifeguard once - I don't DO water)

2) Peaceful.

3) Really REALLY Peaceful. While I'm there can I have some fabulous medications and padding though?

Schrodinger's Kitten said...

1. a clean outdoor hollywood lap pool

2. calm

3. confused

Anonymous said...

1. In a pool. Because I know where the bottom is.

2. Cautious but calm.


Anonymous said...

1. Any clean pool (indoors, preferrably, but outdoors in summer is okay.)

2. Peaceful - I like to wander & discover things in the woods. As long as I know the way home before dark.

3. Calm at first, curious. If there too long, I will start to go a little loopy. Then it would be GET.ME.OUTTA.HERE.NOW.DAMMIT.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

1. Maui
2. If I have enough gear and ammo, I'd be a whoopin' it up.
3. Etherial...and trapped.