I thought I would repost this link because I got zero comments about it. Let me reiterate how awesome this link is. Let me know that you at least tried it. I finally stumped it but I had to get a really obscure character - I stumped it with Loomis (played by Todd Bridges) from the short lived TV show Fish (spinoff from Barney Miller). Barney Miller was one of the greatest TV shows of all time while Fish (although I liked it) was not so hot. Anyway here's the link again:
http://www.smalltime.com/dictator.htmlAlso, here's a bumper sticker (not sure if it's a real bumper sticker) that I thought was funny:
This was alot of fun. I tried to beat it with Charlotte from Sex and the City, but couldn't. Thanks for posting this!
I tried to stump it with Carol Vessey from "Ed". Damn you!
I tried to stump it with Boyd from "Boston Common".
I'm really quite humbled that I piqued the interest of Lord Hyperion. I can assure you that while my moniker is completely made up, my pirate credentials are legit. ;)
First time out of the box I stumped him with "Mel Cooley" from The Dick Van Dyke Show. I thought, "He isn't so tough." I wanted to do it again, so I picked Willis from Different Strokes, and he nailed me. Then I tried Pol Pot, and he kicked my ass again. Sally Rogers (Dick Van Dyke) was nailed quickly (so it wasn't the show), as was Winnie Cooper. Genghis Khan was caught so fast it was embarrassing. Finally I picked Sydney Freedman from M*A*S*H and I stumped his ass again!
Hee hee! I stumped it with Ally McBeal.
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