Monday, April 03, 2006

Ajax's QotD: Because every man and woman has their price...

Sting did Jaguar commercials, Britney did Pepsi, Cher does Jenny Craig.

Question: If you were to be an international spokesperson for a single product, person, or place, for which you would do TV commercials, conventions, and the talk show circuit, what would you be willing to shill for and why?

The thing I always think of are the 'Seize the Vote' ads from MTV, where assorted rock stars would tell the desensitized youth demographic to get educated and get out to the polls on election day. And if I had to go on tour with the Pussycat Dolls or Tatu for a year or two to get the neccessary street cred, I guess I could live with that.


Hyperion said...

If there was a Beef Jerky World Council, they could find no better spokesman. I could passionately articulate what makes beef jerky so delicious.

Also, I think I'd be good at TV show ads. Rather than that idiot NBC voice that makes every episode "AND YOU CANNOT MISS THE LAST FIVE MINUTES, OR POSSIBLY AN ENTIRE TOWN WILL DIE!!!!!" I'd just calmly tell people why a show kicked ass and that they should watch.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

If only you could advertise, with equal conviction, the merits of not watching TV. More time for pirating on the open seas!