Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ajax's QotD: Not all feet are made of clay...


If, in recognition for all your charitable works, amazing sports proficiency (sp?), and all the contributions you've made to modern science, a grateful planet earth is going to erect a statue in your honor. Where would you have the statue placed?

Follow-up questions (good for ten bonus points each):

How would your statue be posed?

What would your statue be made of?

1 comment:

Hyperion said...

I don't think I'd want a statue, under the maxim of, "I'd rather have the children of the village ask why there is no statue of me, then why there is."

However, if it was going to end horror...I'd want a statue of me made out of black marble, posed with me holding my hands up in a Beavis pose of "Are you threatening me?" and located directly on the South Pole (for future generations to go, "huh?"