Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Since Koz is working at the CDC Blogger is blocked at work. However, always the team player, Koz emailed me this morning and asked if I'd post for him. (And when you see what the post is, you'll know for certain it's not me, as the post IS A DIRECT COMPETITOR!!!!!)

Anyway, Koz found a site called FOUR WORD FILM REVIEW. If you need more explanation than that, you're probably not intelligent enough to access the site.

Koz writes that his favorite review (so far) is from GOYA'S GHOSTS:

Goya's Ghosts (2006)
Padme flashes her Naboo-bies.

And he asks that if you visit, leave your favorite review you run across in the comments here.

1 comment:

Schrodinger's Kitten said...

"An Inconvienent Truth" : Disaster movie with Gore.