Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fortune Pizza?

A strange thing happened to me yesterday. I went out for lunch with some friends and I ordered my favourite chicken pizza. I'm munching away on my second slice when I feel something strange in my mouth. I spit it out into my napkin and I'm staring at a piece of a yellow post-it note. An honest to goodness post-it note! I felt sick to my stomach. I look inside the pizza slice and I find the rest of it. It had been baked right into the crust!

The waitress and manager were pretty cool. They made me another pizza, didn't charge me for my lunch and gave me a gift certificate. My friend suggested that they introduce a new 'Fortune Pizza' to the menu. They failed to see the humour in his comment but it cracked the rest of us up. As I walked back to work, I wondered if there was anything written on the note. Maybe someone was being held hostage in the kitchen and the note was a call for help. Maybe not.

What's the strangest thing you've found in food that you've ordered in a restaurant?



Sea Hag said...

One time I was eating a brown n serve roll on Thanksgiving and there was a twist-tie baked into it.

tiff said...

A metal ring (the kind that is aupposed to stay on the end of the ladle to hang it up) in a bowl of chili. Sent a real shiver down my spine when I bit into it.