Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Where have you been all my life?

I just finished watching Justice. I always do what Hyperion tells me to do. I'm so, so, so, so, so glad I watched. I'd like to introduce you to my future snuggle-bug.
Kerr Smith

Oh, and I loved this show!




Skittles said...

I watched part of the show. It wasn't too bad. He wasn't hard on the eyes. But it boldly reminded my why I was on route to law schl and also why I ran the other way at the same time...creepy. Next week I'm reading for school intead.

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

Wasn't he on "Dawson's Creek" also?? At any rate, he gets a big MEOW from this pirate gal!
I wonder if the person from Sea Hag's email would still be as disappointed if it were this dude showing up to their first date unshaved?

Tracy Lynn said...

I just want to lick him. RRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Delicious looking. Although, I'd be afraid I might break him.