Friday, March 24, 2006

Connecting the Dots and Prequelitis

A couple of days ago I saw V for Vendetta, which I did enjoy, but I'll leave the movie reviews to the Hypester. There's one thing I noticed, though, that kinda bugged me. In fact, it bugs me whenever a movie (or video game) does this. For whatever reason, the creators think the audience can't make simple connections, even if it's subtle. WARNING: MINOR SPOILER AHEAD. In the movie, they throw this image of V coming out of fire at you, oh, I don't know, perhaps four times. He's screaming in pain and holding his arms to the heavens. Then later on Evey steps out into the rain, wincing with relief (some pain, but mostly relief) and holding her arms up to the heavens. The creators keep interchanging the previous fire shot with the rain shot, to show the juxtaposition. It's a pretty cool scene, but I can't help but wonder whether or not it would have been better had they not interchanged the fire scene in there. It's the kind of thing where you go home after the movie and then make the connection yourself, instead of having had it given to you, and you're like "Wow that's damn cool."

On a different note, have you noticed the ever-increasing use of the word "prequel"? Good jeebus the term is misused frequently. It's like ever since The Phantom Menace came out it's trendy for people to use it.


A prequel is a story that takes place before the original story but it is written after the original. Or as puts it: A literary, dramatic, or cinematic work whose narrative takes place before that of a preexisting work or a sequel. This is not a hard concept to grasp, but it's consequences are life-altering to many. This means that The Hobbit is not a prequel to The Lord of the Rings and Spider-man is not a prequel to Spider-man 2. Know it, live it, love it.



Jessica said...

I just saw that movie, too. I liked it.

Hyperion said...

You're so obsessed with Prequels that I'm thinking of renaming you "Cub"