Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Prison Break

My favorite TV show, and Arguably the best on the air right now, returns Monday night before 24.

If you need to catch up, FX is running a Prison Break marathon on Sunday.

If you don't know about Prison Break, visit the web site.


Skittles said...

Koz is not on the Crak! Tobias behave or no chocolate for you! The people on crack on those turning Dallas into a movie!!! They've invited Travolta to play JR. Read more for yourselves...

Skittles said...

Koz is not on the Crak! Tobias behave or no chocolate for you! The people on crack on those turning Dallas into a movie!!! They've invited Travolta to play JR. Read more for yourselves...

lost goddess said...

bravo!, you tell that micro-american!!! Not everybody stays locked in a closet with TV. *(starts picturing Tobias hunched over the TV talking to it like gollum to his precious)*

Skittles said...

in defense of the river idiot - i can't believe i'm defending the little #@*$er - what else is there for a river midget to do now adays?

(omg that hurt - don't make me do it again)

PS - river turd - back off of Koz - quit hating and being jealous

lost goddess said...

You impose a great question " What else is there for a river midget to do now adays?" ...I know Hyperion could use him for a foot stool. It just an idea. but I will get back to you on this.

lost goddess said...

If you as short as they say you are, it would take all of you, midget, to do what your thinking. Besides would you really want to work that hard? And you are really thinking with that quote "not-so-midget like" part of your body instead of your heart. But I'm fully confident we could find a excellent job for you. One were You would fit in with people more like yourself not in the short since. Rather the cocky, pervert they you trully are. you would have true purpose in my world. Only if hypey would let you could out and play.