Wednesday, August 22, 2007

100 Reasons Why you're Single

Radar Magazine has a pretty good List of 100 Reasons Why You're Single.

I'm curious how many you were or are now. I'm not single, but I was for a time, and perhaps there were reasons for it. (Of course, I still am some of these things, which may bode poorly for my future.)

Things I used to be or still am:

#19 Scream out Wheel of Fortune answers (if you count Jeopardy)
#24 Snack on Bac-Os (Every opportunity!)
#27 Eat with one arm guarding your plate (this explains much about me)
#43 Converse with Angels (of course, they belong to Charlie)
#52 Have more than 0 stuffed animals on your bed (Proudly, dammit!)
#83 Refer to yourself as a Vagitarian (I blame Cheryl of BreadandBread for this)
#86 Purchase meals solely for their tie-in products (Happy Meals rock!)

Just now going through the list again I laughed so hard snot came out of my nose. This really is funny. Give yourself a treat and check it out. (And Kaida, if you're reading this, I'm really curious how many you scored.)


Anonymous said...

Personally I refer to myself as a Vagan - I don't eat eggs or cheese

Anonymous said...

Sadly (or Happily) I only do 1 of these now, although not very often since I rarely watch Wheel -

Scream out Wheel of Fortune answers

Unknown said...

Since you asked.....

1. Call Grey's Anatomy simply "Grey's"

17. Posed shirtless for your MySpace page

66. Wouldn't be the person you are today without Mitch Albom's Tuesdays with Morrie

87. Get visibly angry during Apple vs. PC debates

89. Feel you've found the deeper meaning behind Meatloaf's "Paradise by the Dashboard Light"

Lady Jane Scarlett said...

65. Carry an All Things Considered tote bag
(well, not yet. but i totally would)

75. Have a bedside stack of Sudoku books