Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What to get Hyperion? (part 3 of 5)

As you know, last fall I had to escape to the mountains and live with outlaws for many months. I was cut off from the world, posting at great peril to myself. As such I did not get to watch any TV for the entire fall. I missed Lost, Season 3 (which I hope to catch upon when/if it ever comes out), and another show I was very excited about: Heroes.

My brother says it's his favorite show of all time, and he thinks I will feel the same. I can't wait to find out if he's right, but how to do so when the show is in re-runs? Yes, it's on Sci-Fi, but I can never figure out when they are starting over, and I want to watch from scratch.

But it's coming out on DVD! You can order Heroes for Hyperion and make him so happy. Or, at least get it for someone you love or for yourself. Everyone I talk to just LOVES this show. Odds are you will too.

But if you don't have that much money.....

How about a change purse? Yeah, I said it: a purse. What's wrong with that? Guys always have a hard time with change because it goes everywhere. A change purse would eliminate that problem. I would ask for a money clip, but what is the probability of me having clipable money any time soon? Whereas I can glean a quarter now and then. I just checked and Amazon sells a cool black leather change purse for $5.50! How can you lose?

Note: if you're buying this for a guy, you might want to sound him out first. Some men are touch that way. Women would love it regardless. (Women only get touchy if you buy them a sweater that's sized XL and they think they are a Medium, and all you care about is that it fits and bigger is better than not fitting, but they don't appreciate your effort and end up not talking to you for three days, not that I'm bitter.)

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