Thursday, August 23, 2007

For guys, girls and Walls

Dudes, I have a couple of links for you.

First, for you guys, a handy charat to understand female facial expressions. Pay close attentinon to 1, 6 and 11, as those are the ones most you're most likely to see.

For the bitches out there, I found this article of Three Signs a Guy is interested in you. Ladies, DO NOT follow this advice, especially #3. If a guy is doing #3 to you, he's not interested in you. Trust me.

Finally, no day would be complete without spending seven seconds watching some guy fly into a wall. Next time I'm drunk I'm going to try this:

li'l tobias out

1 comment:

Bohemian in Korea said...

EEEEEEh Gads, I think I have been living overseas too long. Is the above really the dating advice that people are following?!!!

I'm all for being polite and having manners but for fook sake what's wrong with a lil forth right communication.

And you are correct if a man is doing #3 he's tired of you following some pundits roadmap and he's moving in on someone who genuinely seems to like him