I was riding in the car with a friend of mine and we were listening to the latest
System of a Down album,
Hypnotize, when the music came to a track that he really liked. The song was called "Vicinity of Obscenity" and the phrase "terracotta pie" is repeated many times throughout it. When I asked my friend what a terracotta pie was, he had no idea. Now I know that terra cotta is some kind of plaster or clay used in pottery (I may be a little off on that), and when I googled (is that word in the dictionary yet?) "terra cotta pie" I found several sites with actual pie dishes made from terra cotta. Frankly, this seems a little tame for a rock band to be talking about, and my guess is that the phrase is slang. I think it has something to do with drugs. At least, I wouldn't be surprised, considering that the lyrics don't make a lot of sense in the first place (although the music was catchy). Anyone know what "terracotta pie" is, and why would they keep referring to bananas in the song?
Look it up on http://www.urbandictionary.com
That would have been a totally kickass idea, but it's not defined yet.
well...did you try wikipedia or songmeanings.net?
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