Friday, December 30, 2005

Year-End Linkage

Last Links for the Year (There are many of them since no more links until Tuesday):

Daily Knowledge: The Straight Dope, which answers all sorts of questions of various topics covers Why Greek Statues have such knows and Whether or not women's breasts are actually getting bigger (and if they're not, what we can do about it)

Daily I could have lived my whole life without knowing that: The definition of Waffle Crapper

Daily Ranking (other than Mine): Empire Magazine ranks the 50 Greatest Independent Movies of all Time. I personally endorse 49, 48, 42, 38, 37, 33 (at least the first twenty minutes is essential; after that you're on your own), 28, 19, 17 (review over at movie-hype), 13, 9 (review over at movie-hype), 8, and 5-1 are awesome as well.

Daily Out of a James Bond Plot (or possibly Mr. Burns): There's a town in Italy that is planning on building a giant mirror to get more sunlight. Also possibly to fight vampyres.

Daily Idiots: Gorilla Mask has finally crowned its 2005 "Web-Tard," for the moron who put the dumbest video on the net. You may recall I posted some of these a few months ago. I personally would have gone with the Prom girl. Go look at all the finalists. (Note: Hyperion does not endorse the name "web tard," but the videos are undeniably funny.)

Daily Google: If you had any fear that the Japanese were taking over the world, not for worry.

Daily Why can't my life be this cool?: Ninja Traning Camp On the plus side, who knew ninjas could breakdance?

Daily ode to Nerds: A musical tribute to System Administrators. I post this for two reasons: it's a funny song, and the band is called Wes Borg and Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie. That's worth looking right there.

Daily Celebrity Sighting: So, I clicked on the Wes Borg's home site, and guess who's a fan? Captain Malcolm Reynolds! How cool is that? Oh, and the site's friggin' hilarious too, so don't go there unless you have at least ten minutes to watch crazy videos, including

The Hunt for the Wild Pope - courtesy of the Papal Preservation Society and the Religious Wildlife Network

Daily Ouch: don't sit on the back of a truck 'Nuff said.

Daily Bunny: "Do not accept cookies from this man"

Daily Hyperion shakes his head in frustration: Billboard's Top selling albums of 2005. How does a no-talent hack like Fitty top the list?

Daily Dinosaur: I'm not sure it's possible to choose just one. So I'll give you Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday:

In today's installment, T-Rex learns that words have meanings he didn't realize.

Saturday; T-Rex thinks he can prove God doesn't exist (make sure you read the "hover")

Sunday; T-Rex learns to rap! (and found something to rhyme with orange; pretty impressive, huh?)

Monday: How to make everything you say creepy. I am totally going to do this all day, and I expect you to as well. Write and tell me how it went.


Sea Hag said...

I spent Christmas Day at work, and I read through the Bunny archives. I printed the 'do not accept cokies from this man' strip and stuck it on the wall at work. No one else seems to think it's funny but I sure do.

Sea Hag said...

...that should have said 'cookies' not 'cokies'.