Saturday, November 26, 2005

Answers to the magic

As previously discussed, this site will no longer exist after Monday.
Check back Monday for an official announcement. In the meantime, here are the answers to the Magic disciplines. I should note that I took the book back to the library, so I don't have the answers any more. I looked up what I could, but it may be until Sunday before I have them. When I get them, I'll fill them in here.

Aeromancy - The art of foretelling future events by the observation of atmospheric, air or sky phenomena (wind currents, cloud shapes and formations, comets, falling stars, etc.)

Auguria - Divination by reading the flight patterns of birds


Capnomancy - Divination by the ascent or motion of smoke

Geomancy - forecasting based on throwing handfuls of dirt in the air and seeing how they land on the ground

Physiognomy - Reading the future based on someone's facial features

Pedestria - Foretelling based on the movement of four-footed creatues, such as cows and pigs

Pyromancy - Divination based on fire, more specifically: volcanoes

Umbilicomancy - Predicting a baby's future by examining the umbilical cord.

I will have other posts Saturday and Sunday, leading up to the big day.

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