Friday, November 04, 2005

Would that more Readers were like her.....

So, yesterday in the mail came this HUGE box. My sister could hardly stand it that I wasn't opening it, but I had other things to do right then, and besides, for me some of the fun was waiting to open it, wondering what was inside.

Aside: I suppose there are two ways to classify people (at least in this respect): those who are patient with gifts, and those who just rip them open in a total rush to get to what's inside. Ladies: you might want to consider which man suits you better. (hint hint).

Anyway, this box was from one of my readers, a very pretty one, I might add. Let me take this opportunity to say that since no one seems to want to contribute via credit card to the Hyperion Institute (apparently thinking I pay for all this with my good looks), I very very very much 'preciate it when readers at least send me stuff.

And this was perhaps the greatest present ever in the mail.

It's a tough call because two years ago I got the Miracle Blade III; the Perfection Series, which I talked non-stop about forever. Have you seen the infomercial? That was my favorite informercial for like years. Currently I'm in love with the Magic Bullet. Have you seen that one?

Anyway, this present was unreal. I can't describe how good it was. In fact, I'm not even going to share what it was yet, as I savor it all to myself for a few more hours.

But more info later on today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reminder for Hyperion: you haven't told the nice folks about the supa-kewl gift you got, or the final result from the relevant Montana's inquiries pertaining to said present.

Sheckie Green rules!