Wednesday, November 02, 2005

November is Bar Joke Month

Something else I completely forgot to do yesterdaty.


Everyone agrees that bar jokes are the greatest overall set up for humor. So why not have an entire month celebrating that?

Here's what we're going to do. All month long I'm posting Bar Jokes (clean or at least semi-clean only. You have no idea what it's like to have a smurf pissed off at you). Every time I post a joke I'll give it a number, and then at the end of the month I'll let you all vote (by number) for your favorites and we'll do a Top Ten list or something. Now, I'm fine if you want to send in the classics. I mean, we all love the one about the little piano player or Celine Dion, but since most have heard those, try to come up with some new ones, eh? Don't post them in comments: send them to me email and clearly post BAR JOKE in the subject line, as I get 80-100 pieces of mail a day and sometimes don't get them all checked as timely as I'd like. I'll post the bar jokes as soon as I get them, each under a different number.

got it?


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