Monday, November 14, 2005

World's Shortest Science Fiction Story

One of my Halloween stories was actually Sci-Fi, which I was all happy about until Laureate talked me out of posting it, telling me it was horrible.

Thanks, jerk, for crushing my inner Bradbury. (He might have been right, in which case, I need to amend that statement to read Thanks so much Laureate, for having my back and telling me the unvarnished truth….jerk.)

Anyway, I bring this up because I ran across the world’s shortest Science Fiction story. (Some say Fredric Brown wrote it, but most attribute it to Anonymous.) Anyway, it’s so deck it’s hella-deck (or should that be holo-deck; hee hee), and it kind of seeps into you the more you think about it, like an MC Escher painting. Anyway, I wanted to share it with you:

“The last man on Earth sat in a room. There was a knock on the door.”


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