Monday, November 14, 2005

Nick has a mustache!

Speaking of getting around to watching shows I recorded, I finally saw the CSI from two weeks ago, the one that dealt with abortion (kinda). Actually, let me forgo talking about that just yet. I’m working on a political column for later this week, and I may put that in there. If not, I’ll revisit that topic.

But while I’m on the subject of CSI, did you see Thursday’s episode? Nick has a porn ‘stache!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

If you made a list of the greatest CSI developments, all time, Nick’s porn ‘stache has to be top five. (And just to be clear, I’m not talking porn stash, like what you kept under your mattress. I’m talking porn mustache!)

Anyway, it led Ajax and me to create a “best mustaches” of all time top ten list, which hopefully will air this week.

Okay, I’m tired. I’m going to post the movie column and get some sleep. I may have more posts later today, but if I wait until the morrow, this should more than make up for my lapse on Friday. Oh! I meant to tell you why I talked so weird then. I guess I’ll fill you in later on that too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know!! Nick should be the "clean cut guy". Not only is his 'stache of porn quality, it also takes him back like he wants to re-live the '70's and '80's. It is just not right.

I like facial hair but it goes to prove that some people just shouldn't have it. Then there are people Warrick that could have a nice scruffy look or even a goatee and look hot. Then there are some like Nick that well just should have a clean face.