Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bar Joke #11 (with a twist)

[This if from Casey, and I CAN'T print the punchline, but it's so good I wanted to post it anyway. If you can't figure it out, email me and I'll send you the punch line.]

Man walks into a bar with an ostrich and a cat
The man says I'll have a beer
The ostrich says I'll have a beer
The cat says give me half a beer and I'm not paying for it
The bartender brings the drinks and says that will be$4.65
The man reaches in his pocket and throws exactly $4.65 on the bar
Finally the bartender says what are you doing bringing these animals in my bar and ordering drinks and always having just enough money
The man says few years ago I found a gene and he granted me 3 wishes ....

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