Monday, November 07, 2005

Kissing Cousins (hopefully)

I remember talking to my idiot relatives, who would always introduce me to people I'd never met by saying something like, "this is your mother's cousin's sister's aunt, which makes her your fifth cousin thrice removed." (On the plus side, who doesn't like the word thrice? Nobody, that's who.)

I always felt like they were making it up as they went along. Not that I didn't have relatives, but exactly how we were related. No one ever seemed to know the rules.

However, recently I came into contact with a distant relative, and I wanted to make sure I could legally, well, you know, so I looked it up.

Turns out there are very simple rules to figure out what relative is what cousin. I thought you might be interested too, so I

posted the rules for Cousins here for you.

Oh, and I found out we're second cousins, so it's all gravy, baby.

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