Thursday, January 05, 2006


010506 Linkage

Daily Whathefuh? Some men crush beer cans on their heads. This woman uses another part of her body. I can't decide whether I'm repulsed or turned on.

Daily Commercial: Is there anything better than beer commercials? Rolling Rock says no

Daily Leftover Xmas: Christmas Albums. Koz actually owns most of these. Somebody please send me Yultide Disco.

Daily Bunny: What are the odds any of you know who Noel Coward is?

Daily Partially Clips: This one isn't very funny, but I include it just for the last line.

Daily Partially Clips, take two: This one is much funnier. Promise me (pretty please) you will use this this punch line at the office today. Then write and tell me about it.

Daily Prank: Do you really have to pay at those toll roads?

Daily Dinosaur Comics: In today's very special episode, T-Rex channels Lucy and Ricki simultaneously!


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