Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cliche answer and new poll

First, there's a new poll up. I want more people to vote this time. I only get ten polls, so I have to make them count.

Secondly, I'm very disappointed that no one got my cliche-pic. I made it so easy with the hint!!


Come on, how hard was that? And don't say it was impossible. If you looked at the lyrics of that hint, it was easy as pie. I'm thinking of renaming you guys. You're still in the Hyperion Nation, but I'm thinking of adding a subset group: The Monkey Barn Morons. Much like Gollum, it has a nice ring to it.

1 comment:

Sea Hag said...

Since I was the only one who answered, do I get a prize? And hey, I actually knew who sang that dumb song! That deserves something.